divendres, 20 de març del 2020


Hello my friends!!! 😀 How are you????
The spring has started!! What happens when the spring comes?

Now that we are at home... Let's become gardeners! Do you know how to sprout lentils?
You will need:
- A napkin
- Water
- Lentils (8 or 10)
- A glass jar 
Let's do this!
1. Put the napkin inside the glass jar, and introduce the lentils.
2. Put some water inside the jar. It has to be wet, but not full of water.

After a week you will see the how it grows... Please send me all your photos to my email: mariabernalrueda.com.

Don't forget to take care of your plant... Words of love are always the best words!!! 💜

Lots of love!!!

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